How to use sencha touch custom components(Ext.ux.touch)
There are so many custom components for sencha touch.
If you want to use those awesome custom components in your app, you should add some configations in app.js and .sencha when developing or build apps.
How to…
When developing
At first, You download costom component and add ux folder you downloaded to application folder.
When you develop app by using custom components, you should add configation in app.js.
Ext.ux.touch : ‘./ux/touch’
This is adding Ext.ux.touch class path.
'Ext': 'touch/src',
'Ext.ux.touch': './ux/touch', // add Ext.ux.touch class path
'MultistateButton': 'app'
when building
When you build your app use Ext.ux.touch custom components, you add following configation in .sencha/app/sencha.cfg.
This is adding Ext.ux.touch class path to build tool
app.classpath=${app.dir}/app.js,${app.dir}/app,ux // add "ux" folder path
If you don’t add this configation, the following error is occured.
Failed to find file for Ext.ux.${component name}