How to add half image size attributes for Retina of IMG tag in html by using SublimeText2 Emmet Plugin
SublimeText2 Emmet Plugin has a useful commnad.
You can add tow image size attributes ( width/height ) automatically by using follows commnad.
cmd + shift + p -> "Emmet : Update Image Size
If you markup html for Smart Phone (e.g. iPhone) you have to add half size image attributes for Retina display.
But that command can’t add half size of it.
So I will summarize how to add half image size attributes for Retina by using SublimeText2 Emmet Plugins.
1. Open script file of emmet
- open Finder :
Preferences -> Browse Packages…
- open script file :
Emmet -> emmet -> emmet-app.js
2. Modify functions
overwrite ‘updateImageSizeHTML’ function by the follows code
function updateImageSizeHTML(editor, isRetina) {
var offset = editor.getCaretPos(),
rate = isRetina ? 0.5 : 1;
// find tag from current caret position
var info = require('editorUtils').outputInfo(editor);
var xmlElem = require('xmlEditTree').parseFromPosition(info.content, offset, true);
if (xmlElem && ( || '').toLowerCase() == 'img') {
getImageSizeForSource(editor, xmlElem.value('src'), function(size) {
if (size) {
var compoundData = xmlElem.range(true);
xmlElem.value('width', Math.floor(size.width * rate));
xmlElem.value('height', Math.floor(size.height * rate), xmlElem.indexOf('width') + 1);
require('actionUtils').compoundUpdate(editor, _.extend(compoundData, {
data: xmlElem.toString(),
caret: offset
overwrite ‘updateImageSizeCSS’ function by the follows
function updateImageSizeCSS(editor, isRetina) {
var offset = editor.getCaretPos(),
rate = isRetina ? 0.5 : 1;
// find tag from current caret position
var info = require('editorUtils').outputInfo(editor);
var cssRule = require('cssEditTree').parseFromPosition(info.content, offset, true);
if (cssRule) {
// check if there is property with image under caret
var prop = cssRule.itemFromPosition(offset, true), m;
if (prop && (m = /url\((["']?)(.+?)\1\)/i.exec(prop.value() || ''))) {
getImageSizeForSource(editor, m[2], function(size) {
if (size) {
var compoundData = cssRule.range(true);
cssRule.value('width', Math.floor(size.width * rate) + 'px');
cssRule.value('height', Math.floor(size.height * rate) + 'px', cssRule.indexOf('width') + 1);
require('actionUtils').compoundUpdate(editor, _.extend(compoundData, {
data: cssRule.toString(),
caret: offset
add update_image_size_for_retin
(the follows code) under the update_image_size
require('actions').add('update_image_size', function(editor) {
// this action will definitely won’t work in SASS dialect,
// but may work in SCSS or LESS
if (_.include(['css', 'less', 'scss'], String(editor.getSyntax()))) {
updateImageSizeCSS(editor, false);
} else {
updateImageSizeHTML(editor, false);
return true;
// ****** add the follows code ******
// for Retina
require('actions').add('update_image_size_for_retina', function(editor) {
// this action will definitely won’t work in SASS dialect,
// but may work in SCSS or LESS
if (_.include(['css', 'less', 'scss'], String(editor.getSyntax()))) {
updateImageSizeCSS(editor, true);
} else {
updateImageSizeHTML(editor, true);
return true;
3. Open configuration file
- open finder :
Preferences -> Browse Packages…
- open configuration file :
Emmet -> Default.sublime-commands
4. Modify configuration file
add follows code in Default.sublime-commands
"caption": "Emmet: Update Image Size for Retina",
"command": "run_emmet_action",
"args": {
"action": "update_image_size_for_retina"
5. Do action of Emmet
- open html file
- add IMG tag including image path
- select action :
cmd + shift + p -> "Emmet : Update Image Size for Retina"
- press Enter key.! :)